We can help you pass regulations

Protect Your Crops from Mold & Powdery Mildew

Hundreds or even thousands of plants in a room along with high humidity and multiple other variables can create a “perfect storm” for mold, mildew and contamination issues to create a cultivation crop disaster.

The ProGuard ™ air sanitizer was designed specifically for high density, high humidity cannabis cultivation environments. Our photocatalytic oxidation process uses UV light energy and a proprietary catalyst turning moisture in the air into an ionized H2O2 vapor that actively kills pathogens up to 99.9%, reducing mold and mildew pressure. The result is a clean room environment that will allow your plants to thrive and help you pass your microbial lab tests creating true Pharma Grade product.

ProGuard ™ Air Purification
As seen on Cannacribs – Mitten Canna Co.

Protect Grow Rooms

Active Sanitization Kills Pathogens at the Source

The High Load Environment of a cannabis facility requires an Active Kill Process.

ProGuard ™ effectively sanitizes both air and surfaces in cultivation environments faster and more thoroughly by using Active Sanitization Distribution. It distributes the sanitizing solution into the environment killing pathogens at their point of origin, on the plants, benches, light ballast, pots, both in the air and on surfaces.


24/7 Sanitization Protection to Prevent Mold & Mildew

ProGuard ™ provides 24/7 protection to actively reduce mold and mildew pressure throughout the facility; helping cultivators pass microbial lab tests. The combination of our Proprietary PCO Technology and Bipolar Ionization creates increased levels of sanitization with extended dwell times for effective room sanitization.

“ProGuard gives me peace of mind; it feels good to not have to worry about Powdery Mildew”. Head of Cultivation – Diego W

ProGuard ™ Helps You Pass Microbial Lab Tests

3rd Party Lab Tests Show ProGuard ™ Creates 13 Times More Sanitization than Leading Competitors

ProGuard ™ creates significantly higher levels of sanitization than other competitors, which is needed to effectively protect large scale commercial facilities from contamination issues. 

Cannabis Products for every facility…

Defender DXB 100 with BPI covers up to 500 sf.

Designed and engineered to deliver Active sanitization that is proven to kill & eliminate surface and airborne pathogens for High Load Environments in Cannabis Cultivation Centers. It is easy to install and maintain as it operates 24/7.

ProGuard ™ Sanitization has been tested and validated by reputable labs across the world to ensure safety and effectiveness in killing mold, mildew, bacteria, viruses, and other dangerous pathogens.

Applications Include: indoor grow rooms, greenhouses, dry rooms, and more.

Defender DXB Mini with BPI covers up to 250 sq. ft.

Ideal for small rooms and Grow Tents. This easy to install wall mount product transforms your room into a continuously sanitized and clean environment, eliminating airborne and surface pollutants.

Effectively kills pathogens including mold, mildew, bacteria, viruses, and other dangerous pathogens.

Engineered to deliver Active sanitization that is proven to kill & eliminate surface and airborne pathogens for High load environments in Cannabis Cultivation Centers using the ProGuard ™ Sanitization Technology.

Applications Include: indoor grow rooms, grow tents, dry rooms, and more.

pureAir HVAC with BPI

pureAir HVAC transforms your space into a continuously fresh and clean environment, removing airborne pollutants. Customized for your purification needs, pureAir HVAC is Installed inside existing ductwork, for an easy to use purification solution for homes, offices, or other public spaces.

Continuously cleans the air throughout your space

Easy to install in All indoor spaces with a ducted air system, including but not limited to: Homes, Offices, Schools, Day Care Facilities, Nursing Homes, Veterinary Clinics, Hotels, and More!

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Defender Guardian with BPI

Defender Guardian with BPI has been designed and engineered to deliver Active sanitization that is proven to kill & eliminate surface and airborne pathogens for high load environments in Cannabis Cultivation Centers using the ProGuard ™ Sanitization Technology.

Guardian is easy to use as a mobile unit in Cannabis facilities helping improve sanitization SOPs after harvest creating a clean sanitized room for increased crop yields.

Applications Include: sanitizing grow rooms after harvest, greenhouse sanitization, and more

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